Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 2, 2013

Instagram & Sucre Shop & The Great Instag-8!

Sucre Shop and Instagram are meant to be! We have lots of fun posting sneak peeks of products, our work space, travels and everything interesting and relevant to you. So, do you follow us? Just search Sucre Shop and join the fun!

And now, because we enjoy Instagram so much, we're sharing something we call the Great Instag-8! Our favorite 8 Instagrammers this week:

@zentier - a Lego-crazed builder, with serious skills.
@Bonnietsang - Photographer Bonnie just has the natural ability to make the most mundane things look gorgeous.
@folkmagazine - Where all things are folksy and beautiful.
@charmcitycakes - They're wacky and fun and their cakes are completely out of this world amazing!
@decor8 - Blogger Holly Becker has shoes, great design, and Springtime on the brain.
@makingitlovely - Artist, crafter, teacher, visionary.
@kristinnohe - Etsy seller and Target designer, this chick rocks.
@notequal - Clothing designer Fabio Costa came so close to winning Project Runway, see what he's up to now!

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